customs clearance broker
With hands-on experience in dealing with customs, import brokers have passed on some of the tips to those involved in handling the shipments to make it an easier process. A customs clearance broker is an intermediary in the export process which is independent from but works hand-in-hand with carriers. A customs clearance broker is an expert in filing customs declarations, as well as handling transshipment permits and certificates. This professional fills out all of the application forms for you, saving on time and paperwork. As an agent of the government that assists customers in complying with import and export rules on their behalf, it is creditable a customs clearance broker is acknowledged. In terms of fees, the customs clearance broker must familiarize you with either policies or terms which are available for land users. A customs clearance broker is a professional who deals with matters concerning import and export on behalf of customers. At its foundation, this broker ensures that imported and exported goods will conform to the law and regulations of the relevant countries. The broker makes full use of advanced technological functions. Can be carried out in electronic form, which facilitates more rapid customs filing than in the past To do these applications, use computer network key entries at every stage of customs clearance process for more efficient use of man hours (thus reducing delays). The broker's primary duties are to assign customs classification codes to goods, estimate customs duties and taxes payable, and interpret between the business community and the tax authorities of the destination country.