dhl international track and trace
When a shipping company wants to transmit real-time information about where a shipment is located or how it's moving, what materials have been sent ahead for future use down the line and when they can count on delivery of their goods, DHL International Track and Trace always offers data directly supplied by the origin. The Track and Trace service can trace shipping packages at: dispatch, loading into the harbor facilities, transshipment cargo shift from one ship to another, unloading from a long-distance truck at one port and loading on board another vessel for forwarding. DATA loaded on DHL's global online logistics systems benefits from all of the above breakthroughs, providing convenience-around-the-clock access to shipping documents and direct online integration of shipping data. Employing advanced techniques such as bar code scanning, GPS position reporting, and digital encoding of shipment-related information, this system ensures the information it offers is accurate and up-to-the-minute. The Track and Trace system can serve a variety of needs, from personal consumers who await delivery of their own packages to corporations tracking the now-global supply chains they operate. Using it keeps that extra margin of reliability that every shipper really wants as more and more countries come into the international trade game. It provides transparency, peace of mind and a guarantee of reliability and quality for everybody sending or receiving goods internationally.